Thursday, December 17, 2009

Found bike

Pastor Mel Nead at the Free Methodist Church, where we hold our BPNA meetings, has found a bike and would like to reunite it with its owner. The bike was left at the church sometime last week. It is a dark grey Schwinn road bike with a cargo carrier on the back. Call the church at 332-6425 for more information about the bike.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Village Invitation

Dick and Mary Lou Mitchell would like to invite one and all to visit our Christmas village. A tradition for twenty years, Mary Lou's village includes charming antique and modern buildings, animated figures, a Christmas train and ice skaters twirling on a frozen pond. Come and see this special holiday display!

Drop by at 1202 S. Palmer or give us a call at 339-5096 to make sure we're home.
Hope to see you soon.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Minutes - October 27, 2009 Meeting

The Bryan Park Neighborhood Association met at the Free Methodist Church in Bloomington, Indiana, on October 27, 2009. Mary Miller, BPNA President, presided and Jenny Bauer was acting secretary.

Old Business

  1. Variances. Mary Miller reported that the Schertz variance was approved and they will proceed with the construction of the new shed. Mary also reported that she was not sure of the status of the variance sought by Scott Ackerson. Jan Sorby said that she thinks Scott will need more variances than just the one for the size of the garage. Mary asked that Scott Ackerson be contacted to ask that BPNA be kept updated on his requests.

  2. Templeton Playground Project. Angela Lexmond reported that the deadline for the grant application is November 2nd. She said that the new principal is helping with the budget and Bob Woolford from HAND is also helping with the application. The grant request will be for $16-20,000, with the same amount in matching funds. If the grant application is successful, work on the playground project will begin in the spring. The Templeton students are having a walk-a-thon to raise money on November 7th at Bryan Park. The grant money will be used to purchase equipment that emphasizes fitness and wheel-chair accessible mulch for the playground surface.

  3. Welcome Bags. Mary Miller reported that the “welcome bags” made by Corrine contain goodies from local businesses. She asked for members to let her know when there are new neighbors so the bags can be delivered.

  4. Incident Report. Dick Mitchell reported that George Martin had an attempted break-in at his house during Homecoming Weekend. Dick said that BPNA’s representative on the Bloomington Police Department has not been responsive to contact from the neighborhood.

New Business

  1. Advertising on the Blog. Mary Miller asked the members if advertising should be allowed on the BPNA blog. Jan Sorby said that Prospect Hill advertises neighborhood businesses in its newsletter. Mary suggested forming a subcommittee to study the issue.

  2. BRI Home Tour in Bryan Park. Jan Sorby reported that the BRI Home Tour featured homes in Bryan Park last weekend. She said that about 300 people bought tickets for the tour and that BRI raised more money with this tour than they have with any other tour. She also said that BRI received many positive comments about the Bryan Park neighborhood.

  3. Conservation District. Mary Miller led the discussion about a possible conservation district designation for Bryan Park. She said that the first step is a survey of the neighborhood housing stock. Nancy Heistad from HAND is willing to work with BPNA to explore the issue. Mary said that another step in the process is for a neighborhood history to be written. After the survey is completed, it is submitted to the State. If the State approves the district, demolition delay becomes effective and permission must be obtained from the State Historic Preservation Commission before a building may be demolished. Mary stated that she will invite Nancy Heistad to attend the BPNA meeting in January. Mary asked Jan Sorby and Joane Henriot to get copies of the conservation documents of McDoel Gardens and Prospect Hill and to invite their representatives to attend a future BPNA meeting to discuss their experiences with the process. This information will be presented at a future meeting.

  4. Church food drive. Mary Lou Mitchell reminded everyone to bring an item to the Free Methodist Church’s holiday food drive as a way to say thank you for allowing BPNA to hold meetings at the church.

  5. Next meeting. Mary asked that the November meeting be changed to November 17th to avoid a conflict with members travelling for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

11/17/09 Agenda

Bryan Park Neighborhood Association

Place: Free Methodius Church, corner of Lincoln and Grimes

Time and Day: Nov. 17, 7:00 p.m. (because of Thanksgiving we are meeting 1 week earlier than usual).



  • Updates on Schertz and Ackerson variances.

Templeton Playground Renovation

  • Update on the grant.

Welcome bag for new neighbors

  • Corrine Carpenter has welcome bags ready to give out to new neighbors. Email her ( if you need any.

Incident Report

  • Regular monthly report from Dick and Mary Lou Mitchell, our Neighborhood Watch representatives.


Bryan Park Conservation District

  • Nancy Hiestand, Historic Preservation Program Manage, City of Bloomington.

    Nancy’s Power Point presentation will help clarify the difference between Conservation district and other protective instruments available to our neighborhood. She’s a great resource for questions regarding all preservation issues.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

City Council Update on Halloween

Dear neighbors,

I will once again host my monthly constituent meeting this Saturday, Oct. 31, 11:00 am to 12:00 noon at Rachael's Cafe (300 E. 3rd St.). I will provide an update on what the City Council has been doing, including changes to the animal care and control ordinance and possible historic designation for the old Elks Lodge building on N. Walnut St. Then I will open it up to questions and comments from attendees. Free coffee will be provided. I want to hear from you! If you can't make it Saturday, you can always email me at

Best wishes,

Isabel Piedmont-Smith

Bloomington City Council, Dist. 5

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

City Council Update on Halloween

Dear neighbors,
I will once again host my monthly constituent meeting this Saturday, Oct. 31, 11:00 am to 12:00 noon at Rachael's Cafe (300 E. 3rd St.). I will provide an update on what the City Council has been doing, including changes to the animal care and control ordinance and possible historic designation for the old Elks Lodge building on N. Walnut St. Then I will open it up to questions and comments from attendees. Free coffee will be provided. I want to hear from you! If you can't make it Saturday, you can always email me at
Best wishes,
Isabel Piedmont-Smith
Bloomington City Council, Dist. 5

Monday, October 26, 2009

10/27 Agenda for Tuesday's BPNA Meeting

Email Mary Miller ( if you have anything to add to the agenda.



Updates on Schertz and Ackerson variances.

Templeton Playground Renovation

Update on the grant.

Welcome bag for new neighbors

Corrine Carpenter has welcome bags ready to give out to new neighbors. Email her ( if you need any.

Incident Report

Regular monthly report from Dick and Mary Lou Mitchell, our Neighborhood Watch representatives.


Bryan Park Conservation District

We’ll continue our discussion from the last meeting, exploring the idea of getting the Bryan Park area designated as a Conservation District. We’ll see if there is enough interest to proceed--if there is, we'll define the next steps.

What about advertising on the blog?

We'll continue the discussion about neighborhood businesses and services advertising on the blog. The topic is our local economy--supporting neighborhood businesses. Massage therapy? Babysitting coop? Lawn services? Join the discussion!


Poop Tubes

Liz thanks neighbors for filling the “poop tubes” with plastic bags. She can always use more bags--the tubes at the park empty daily.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bryan Park Upcoming Events and Minutes

BRI Home Tour
This coming weekend, Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 24 and 25, from 1-5pm, Bloomington Restorations (BRI) is hosting its 33rd annual architectural tour, this year in the Bryan Park Neighborhood. Tour headquarters is located at 1007 S. Lincoln St. Tickets can be purchased for $10 for adults and $5 for children. Call 336-0909 for more information, or see

Templeton Playground Renovation
There's a long article about the Templeton playground renovation in today's Herald-Times. Check it out if you can.

BPNA October Meeting
Our October meeting will be next Tuesday, 10/27, at 7:00 pm at the free Methodist Church at Grimes and Lincoln. Watch for an agenda later this week.

September 22, 2009 Meeting Minutes
President Mary Miller presided over the meeting.
Seventeen members were in attendance

The Templeton Playground Renovation needs help with the planting. This will be Saturday, October 10th, from 10:00-12:00.

Also everyone was reminded to watch for the proof of purchase seals on cereal boxes.

Joanne Henriot reported that 63 T-shirts have been sold. There are still 16 remaining. Good job, Joanne.

Corrine Carpenter is putting together welcome bags. If you need any give her a call.

Jan Sorby announced that the International Safe Routes to School Day is October 7th and helped is needed at Templeton.

Ann and Alan Schertz and Scott Ackerson are applying for variances for storage sheds and a garage. The neighborhood supports both of them. A letter will be written acknowledging the support.

The Bloomington Restoration tour is October 24th and 25th. Docents are still needed. If interested notify Jan Sorby.

Here's link to the January 2008 BPNA newsletter, containing the article on historic preservation passed out at the Sept. meeting, for our initial discussion on the conservation district idea:

Hope you can make it to the meeting next week!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Bryan Park Meeting 9/22, Agenda and Announcements

MEETING, TUESDAY 9/22, 7-8pm
Free Methodist Church, corner of Lincoln & Grimes

9/22 Monthly Meeting Agenda:
New Business:
Ann and Alan Schertz are applying for a variance with the city and would like to keep the BPNA folks in the loop. They will bring copies of their plan to the meeting.

What about advertising on the blog?
We will begin a discussion about neighborhood businesses and services advertising on the blog. The topic is our local economy--supporting neighborhood businesses. Massage therapy? Babysitting coop? Lawn services? Join the discussion!

BP historic homes tour Oct. 25-25
Confirm date?

Bryan Park Conservation District
Several people have asked to explore the idea of getting the Bryan Park area designated as a Conservation District. We will have copies of the Jan 2008 BPNA newsletter article, to start the discussion.

Peace Week Events
Tues. Sept 22nd, there is a Town Meeting "Envisioning Bloomington as a City of Peace" in the Council Chambers.

Bloomington Waste Not
The group "Volunteers For Change" is starting to plan ahead for collecting discarded furniture during the next student turnover. If you are interested in participating, contact Anne McLaughlin, Volunteers for Change,, (812) 327-3804.

There will be a meeting on Wednesday, September 23rd, 1:00 pm,
City Hall, McCloskey Room.

Dance to Live, Live to Love
Craig Brenner & the Crawdads announce a dance party to celebrate their new CD, Live to Love. The event is part of The Art of Mental Health 2009. It benefits Mental Health America of Monroe County.

When: October 10, 2009, 7:30 p.m.
Where: Bloomington Convention Center, 302 S. College Avenue, Bloomington, IN.
Tickets: $15, available at the event and at the Buskirk-Chumley Ticket Office.

Looking for house to rent
Susan Fernandes has a friend who needs a rental for her family to come here for half of a sabbatical year, starting spring semester. She is looking at areas close to the University. This family is from Bloomington originally, with 2 children ages 10 & 5, and has excellent references, with local family and contacts. The husband is on the faculty at a Canadian university and wants to come here to do some research. If you have any leads to something that may be available for spring semester, please contact Susan at or 812-855-7364.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Aug. 09 meeting minutes and found bike


AUGUST 25, 2009

Seventeen members attended the meeting.

Mary reminded all that if they have bills regarding the block party they should be turned in. These are paid for through the grant.

The T-shirts should be delivered in the next few days.

Mary would like to assemble some welcome bags with brochures, etc. There are several new residents in the neighborhood.

The Bryan Park Neighborhood Association will write a letter supporting the Templeton School Playground Project. Hopefully this will help to get the grant.

The BRI home tour will be October 24-25 from 1:00 – 5:00 with several homes in our neighborhood on the tour. If you would like to be a docent call 336-0909.

If anyone is missing a purple Trek bike, two flat tires, components a bit rusty, contact Jennifer Weiss at 330-1022. She found it abandoned near her house.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Isabel Piedmont-Smith on Sat., Craig Brenner on Sunday, and Nick's benefit report

Isabel Piedmont-Smith Monthly Meeting
Isabel Piedmont-Smith, our District V Representative on the City Council, will be holding her monthly constituent meeting on Saturday, Aug. 29. It's 11 am to 12 noon at Rachael's Cafe, corner of 3rd St. and Lincoln St. Updates on the city's budget proposal and the Unified Development Ordinance will be discussed.

Craig Brenner & the Crawdads Sunday at the Waldron
Craig wants to invite all BPNA neighbors to the Buskirk-Chumley Theater for the Tried & True Concert Sunday, Aug. 30, beginning at 4 p.m. The show begins with the Gordon Bonham Duo, followed by the Dynamics, followed by Craig Brenner & the Crawdads. What a deal for $5.00!

Craig & the Crawdads will play some tunes from their new CD, Live to Love. See the review in the Bloomington Independent at It's a very good review for a wonderful group.

Templeton Benefit at Nick's
Natalie Cabanaw and Erin Heffley, the two servers at the Templeton benefit on Wed., donated their tips from the evening… totaling $356! The bar tender was Richie Bowling…another Bryan Park area neighbor. Natalie, Erin, and Richie all worked without wages for the event… a big thank you to them! In addition, Nick's may also donate a percentage of sales from the benefit. Thanks to Raggs, Susan and Nick's for supporting the cause of the Templeton playground renovation. And thanks to all the neighbors who attended. It was a really fun and well attended event.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Meeting Agenda and Templeton Benefit This Wed., 8/25

We will have a meeting this Tues., Aug 25, from 7-8 pm, at the Free Methodist Church on the corner of Lincoln and Grimes. We often don’t have a meeting in Aug. because of the picnic. If you can make it, it should be pretty short. Be sure to check out the Templeton benefit at Nick’s English Hut this Wed., Aug. 26.

Templeton Playground Renovation Benefit at Nick’s this Wed., Aug. 26
Natalie Cabanaw has organized a benefit for the Templeton playground renovation. To have your bill count towards the fundraiser, go to the back dining room on the first floor of Nick's between 5:00-8:00 pm. Natalie and her co-workers are donating their tips to the cause. Nick's generously supported the annual block party this year by donating the burgers, veggie burgers, hot dogs and fixings. Come on out to support a great local business, help our neighborhood school, and meet your neighbors.

Block Party
More than 200 people attended the party on Aug. 14. We had a wonderful meal, cold ice cream and dancing in the street with Craig Brenner and Friends. Thanks again to Raggs, Susan and Nick’s English Hut for their generous donation of food.

Pitch-in Dinner:
Jon Lawrence organized volunteers, got the tables and chairs, and took care of the grill.

Ice Cream Social:
We enjoyed ice cream thanks to Anne Hedin, Jan Sorby, and Edy's.

Food Drive:
Dee Hupp-Sanders got the refrigerated truck and organized the collection of 103 lbs. of food for Hoosier Hills Food Bank. Dee can always take donations of food. Call her 325-1024 for more information.

BPNA T-Shirts:
Joanne Henriot and Corrinne Carpenter led the t-shirt sales effort. We sold 51 shirts and will have 24 more available for purchase. We hoped to have them at the meeting, but they will be ready later in the week. We will deliver your shirts. After all expenses are paid (and once everyone has paid), our profit will be almost $500.

Membership report:
37 households signed up as new members. That is something like 56 new people. Welcome to everyone! 34 existing-member households paid their yearly $5 dues at the picnic.

Treasurer report:
Mary Lou Mitchell

Turn in any picnic receipts you still have, if you want to be reimbursed for any expenses.

Thanks to everyone for a fun and successful event!

Church on Washington St
Skip VanCel has purchased the chuch on S. Washington St. He lives in Miami, Fla., and has many family ties in the Monroe County area. He is looking forward to fixing up the exterior of the building. There are no zoning issues, since he bought it with the idea of renovating it as a residence. If a business comes forward and wants to rent the building, any relevant zoning issues will be addressed.

Feedback on New Email List
Questions, suggestions, problems?

Bump outs on Lincoln St.
Mulch added?

Welcome bag for new neighbors?
Member form, brochure, plus city welcome bags?

Incident Report
Regular monthly report from Dick and Mary Lou Mitchell, our Neighborhood Watch representatives.

Templeton Small and Simple Grant
For playground renovation at Templeton School.
Neighborhood association will sponsor? They hope to apply this fall.

Poop Tubes
Liz thanks neighbors for filling the “poop tubes” with plastic bags. She can always use more bags--the tubes at the park empty daily.

August 2009 Newsletter

Here's link to the August 2009 BPNA newsletter.

July 2009 Minutes


JULY 28, 2009

New president, Mary Miller, presided over the meeting.

Twenty-two were in attendance

The question had been raised as to who was responsible for the weeds on the Davis Street ditch. The city says it the adjacent property owner’s responsibility.

The group voted to buy a load of mulch for the south bump out on Lincoln. Jon Lawrence volunteered to deliver it.

The neighborhood block party will be Friday, August 14 on South Dunn between Davis and Allen. There will be a table to sell T-shirts and a table to pay dues. The Food Bank will have a container for non-perishable foods.

Dick Mitchell reported that there have been several non-emergency incidents lately. Graffiti, produce stolen from gardens, noise etc.

All of the signs reminding neighbors of the monthly meeting are now in use and being displayed.

The construction on Henderson Street is moving along and should be completed by the start of school.

Natalie will do a benefit at Nick’s for Templeton school.

The Bryan Park naturalization clean up was reported to be on Wednesday from 5:30 to 7:00.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Templeton PTO Fundraiser at Nick's August 26

The Templeton PTO has been hard at work planning for a full-scale renovation of Templeton’s playgrounds--the oldest in the Monroe County school corporation. The renovation will include new equipment, surfacing, and trees. Angela Lexmond, one of the organizers, reports, “We have already raised $12,000 through grants and from major donors, but we have far to go to reach our fundraising goal of $65,000. We hope our neighbors will help us. Last spring, the kids themselves raised over $1,000!”

One neighbor, Natalie Cabanaw, is sponsoring a benefit at Nick’s English Hut for the cause on Wednesday, August 26, from 5:00-8:00 pm. Natalie is coming in on her day off and will donate all her tips; all you’ve got to do to help is come in and order off the menu. Nick’s management will also donate a percentage of the bill for people who identify themselves as Templeton supporters.

To have your bill count towards the fundraiser, go to the back dining room on the first floor of Nick's between 5:00-8:00 pm. Natalie won a Be More Award from the City this spring for similar generous fundraising work for local charities, and Nick's generously supported the annual block party this year by donating the burgers, veggie burgers, hot dogs and fixings.

If you can help directly, please send your tax deductible donation to the FMCCS (Foundation of Monroe County Community Schools) earmarking it in the memo line for the “Templeton Playground Fund.” Their address is 315 North Drive, Bloomington, IN 47401. For more information, contact Angela Lexmond (339-0782) or Jennifer Livesay (334-0764).

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

BPNA block party this Friday!

The annual BPNA summer block party is this Friday, August 14, 6-9 pm. Everybody in the neighborhood is invited. Come meet new neighbors and celebrate with old friends.

Craig Brenner and Friends will once again inspire dancing in the street—specifically the 1000 block of South Dunn St. Please bring a potluck dish to share with your neighbors. BPNA will provide lemonade, grilled meat and veggie burgers and hot dogs generously provided by our sponsor, Nick’s English Hut. As an added treat, we will provide Edy's slow-churned ice cream for the first 100 guests, courtesy of Edy's.

We are also grateful to the City of Bloomington, which awarded us a Small & Simple grant to help with the non-food costs of this large party. The party drew about 300 people last year, and we expect an even bigger turnout this year.

This is a great time to pay your membership dues. Dues are just $5 a year, and we will have a table set up to take dues at the picnic. BPNA T-shirts are back by popular demand! We will have a custom design ready for pre-order.

Last but not least, remember the hungry while you enjoy the party. Dee Hupp-Sanders of the Hoosier Hills Food Bank asks that you bring a food item to donate to the food bank.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Donation options for discarded furniture

This is the time of year we see discarded furniture and other household goods set out for city trash pick up. Many of the items left out to be trashed are usable. If you see items that could be reused, here are some donation options from Anne McLaughlin with Volunteers for Change. Your donations will keep usable items out of the landfill and help these nonprofit agencies:

Furniture & Appliances
St. Vincent de Paul for free pick up.
(812) 961-1510 or
Schedule at least 48 hours ahead of time.

Please include the type of usable furniture or working appliances you wish to donate, your address, and a phone number. St. Vincent de Paul is all volunteer organization that distributes usable furniture and working appliances free of charge to those in need (people moving from homelessness, etc).
* See how your donations can help:

Drop off everything else at nearest location :
The Salvation Army Thrift Store :
115 N. Rogers St .
Just west of Courthouse, between Kirkwood & 6th
WED – Sat, 10 am – 6 pm

East Side
840 S. Auto Mall Rd.
Between mall & theater, across from Pier 1 Imports
Mon – Sat, 9 am - 9 pm; Sunday, noon – 6 pm

West Side
1284 Liberty Drive
Between W. 2 nd and 3 rd Streets, across from Menards
Mon – Sat, 9 am - 9 pm; Sunday, noon – 6 pm

Backstreet Missions:
928 Arlington Rd.
West 17th leads into Arlington
Mon – Sat, 9 am – 4 pm

Habitat ReStore:
300 W. 11 th
Furniture, appliances, building materials, hardware
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, 10:30 am – 5:30 pm
Wed, noon – 5: 30; Sat, 8:30 am – 3:30 pm

Friday, July 31, 2009

Annual block party - Friday, 8/14

The annual BPNA summer block party is scheduled for Friday, August 14, 6-9 pm. Everybody in the neighborhood is invited, whether they are BPNA members or not. Come meet new neighbors and celebrate with old friends.

Craig Brenner and Friends will once again inspire dancing in the street—specifically the 1000 block of South Dunn St. Please bring a potluck dish to share with your neighbors. BPNA will provide lemonade, grilled meat and veggie burgers and hot dogs generously provided by our sponsor, Nick’s English Hut. As an added treat, we will provide Edy's slow-churned ice cream for the first 100 guests, courtesy of Edy's.

We are also grateful to the City of Bloomington, which awarded us a Small & Simple grant to help with the non-food costs of this large party. The party drew about 300 people last year, and we expect an even bigger turnout this year. Volunteers are needed to help organize and run the grill; contact Jon Lawrence at or 334-2075 if you can help.

This is a great time to pay your membership dues. Dues are just $5 a year, and we will have a table set up to take dues at the picnic. BPNA T-shirts are back by popular demand. We hope to have a custom design ready for the occasion. Come by the BPNA table to see the design and place your order.

Last but not least, remember the hungry while you enjoy the party food. Dee Hupp-Sanders of the Hoosier Hills Food Bank asks that you bring a food item to donate to the food bank.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

FW: [CONA] Bloomington Hospital Survey, B-line trail phase II

Hi everybody -

Council of Neighborhood Associations is hosting a survey about the
possibility that Bloomington Hospital may move from its current
location. The purpose of the survey is to raise awareness of the
impact that this move will have on Bloomington neighborhoods by
collecting opinions from residents of those neighborhoods. Please
take a moment to fill out the survey at We hope to present the results by our September 16th meeting.
Please forward this survey to others in your neighborhood!

Also, there is an open house for the B-line trail phase II on
Thursday July 30 from 11am to 1pm and 5pm to 6:30pm in the council
chambers at the Showers complex at 401 N Morton Street. The City
of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department is designing phase II
of the B-Line Trail. Final plans and specifications must be submitted
to the State of Indiana by the end of August. Construction is
anticipated to begin in spring 2010, and will involve the city-owned
former CSX rail corridor from the east side of Adams Street to the
west side of Rogers Street (bordering Near Westside, Maple Heights and
11th Street Neighborhoods), and from Second Street south to the north
side of Country Club Drive (bordering McDoel and Grandview
Neighborhoods). For more information about the open house, contact
Dave Williams (812) 349-3700.

From: Greg Alexander []

Monday, July 27, 2009

Agenda for Tuesday 7/28 meeting

Our regular meeting will be Tuesday, July 28, from 7-8 p.m., at the Free Methodist Church (corner of Grimes and Lincoln). Please let me know ( if you want to add anything to the agenda. A presentation by Ellen Jacquart, founder of Monroe County Identify and Reduce Invasive Species (MC-IRIS) will be rescheduled. She will talk about a re-naturalization project in Bryan Park at an upcoming meeting.

Old Business

1. Weeds: Weeds and standing water in Davis ditch. City decision about maintenance.
2. Poop Tubes: If you have any plastic bags to spare, bring them to the meeting! Liz thanks neighbors for filling the tubes and can always use more bags--the tubes at the park empty daily.
3. Fall Picnic: Update on plans (t-shirts, volunteers, food drive, membership dues, ice cream).

New Business

1. Incident Report: As a new regular meeting feature, our Neighborhood Watch contacts Dick and Mary Lou Mitchell will briefly describe incidents reported this month.
2. New Email List: Questions?
3. City Business: Henderson sidewalk update, city news from Isabel Piedmont-Smith.
4. Templeton Benefit at Nick’s: Natalie Cabanaw has offered to sponsor a benefit at Nick’s for the Templeton Playground renovation.
5. Call for Volunteers: Volunteer for BPNA projects.


Friday, July 24, 2009

Found bike

From Albert Reiser:

We found a bike that we suspect was stolen last weekend. It was left in our front yard. It’s a gray Fuji mountain bike.

Our address is 1200 S. Grant. Our phone number is (812) 334-3417.


[B-TOP] Help us assess Bloomington's walkability, bike education, and climate change action

Here are several items of interest from Bloomington Transportation Options for People:

Walkability Survey
Please help us gather data about Bloomington neighborhoods! B-TOP is working with the Active Living Coalition to administer a survey developed by Health by Design in Indianapolis in order to rate the walkability of different neighborhoods in Bloomington. Go to to fill out the survey online, or print a paper version you can mail in. We suggest you walk around your neighborhood and check things out for the best information. If you’d like, take a camera with you—you can upload up to four image files with your survey. Please share this with your friends and neighbors too!
Bicycle Education Opportunities
Traffic Skills 101 – August 15, 2009
This course is structured to be a fun yet intensive educational experience with the aim of increasing a cyclist’s confidence and safe riding skills. It will be held on Saturday August 15th from 9am to 6pm at Bloomington City Hall (room #135). Registration must be received by August 10, 2009.
LCI Training Seminar – August 28-30, 2009
The League of American Bicyclists is holding a seminar to train and certify League Cycling Instructors (LCIs) in Bloomington from August 28-30. This is a unique opportunity that is rarely offered in Indiana – so don’t miss out. If you are an experienced cyclist and would like to teach others, please consider taking the next step towards certification. Traffic Skills 101 is a prerequisite for the certification seminar. Registration is handled by the League of American Bicyclists on their website:
More information on both offerings is available at Feel free to contact me if I can provide further information.
Raymond Hess
Climate Change Action: Bloomington 350
See for background on an international day of climate action planned for October 24, 2009. In Bloomington, a group called Bloomington 350 is getting together to plan local events. This may involve events spread out through the 350 hours (about two weeks) before October 24 as well. If you’re interested in getting involved, come to the next meeting (see below), or email
Thursday, August 6
5:30-7:00 pm
Monroe County Public Library meeting room 1C

B-TOP contact:
Elizabeth Venstra
Vice-President, Bloomington Transportation Options for People

Saturday, July 11, 2009

June 2009 Minutes


June 23, 2009

There were 41 in attendance.

Jan and Jon announced the block party will be Friday, August 14, from 6 to 9 PM in the usual place.

Volunteers are needed for a variety of jobs.

There was discussion on selling T-shirts at the block party.

Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard asked to borrow our shade tent and the vote passed.

Ann Schertz gave a talk on how to get rid of poison ivy.

Mary Miller and Joe Davis both gave a synopsis of their wanting to be the neighborhood president.

The ballots were passed and Isabel Piedmont-Smith, our neighborhood council person, and Dick Mitchell, our neighborhood “sheriff” tallied the votes.

The outcome:

President Mary Miller

Vice president Jan Sorby

Secretary Jenny Bauer

Treasurer Mary Lou Mitchell

The voting was contested so on Sunday June 28th Isabelle and Dick recounted the votes for the 4th time and wrote up a break down. This can be found on the Neighborhood blog.

Submitted by Dick Mitchell

Friday, July 10, 2009

Neighborhood Play Day 2009

I'm contacting you to let you know that Bloomington Parks and Recreation will be holding a Neighborhood Play Day Wednesday, August 5 from 1-3pm. It's for all ages and we will be playing games and celebrating and facilitating play. We want you to let your neighborhood know so that they can come out and join us for the play day. The following are the specific parks we are going to be at: Broadview Park, Olcott Park, Bryan Park, Rev. Ernest D. Butler Park, and Sherwood Oaks Park. We hope to see everyone there and make it a successful play day event!
--Lynsie Burton
Program Specialist
City of Bloomington
Parks and Recreation

Monday, July 6, 2009

2009 Officers

PresidentMary Miller
Vice PresidentJan Sorby
TreasurerMary Lou Mitchell
SecretaryJenny Bauer

Friday, June 26, 2009

How To Remove Poison Ivy Safely: Tips for Removing Poison Ivy

Thanks to Ann Schertz for this important information:

The saying goes: "Leaflets three, let them be," but if poison ivy invades your garden or property, it's not so easy to ignore. You're better off just removing poison ivy altogether. Accidental contact with the leaves can leave a painful rash on bare skin, making this one weed that's just too risky to have around. Even if you prefer to garden organically, a chemical weed killer is the fastest, most effective method of removing poison ivy.

Difficulty: Easy

Time Required: Depends on size of poison ivy patch. May have to be repeated more than once.

Here's How: Know the enemy. Poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) is a native North American plant that takes several forms. On most of the continent, it's a climbing or trailing perennial vine. In Western states, it's a shrubby bush that grows to about 3 feet. The leaves, which grow on alternate sides of each stem, come in sets of 3 glossy-green leaflets that can be pointed, smooth-sided, lobed or saw-toothed. Early in spring the leaves are red, and in fall they turn a bright scarlet-orange. The 1/4-inch fruits are dull yellow. For an in-depth identification of poison ivy and its imposters, see my HYPERLINK for pictures of poison ivy.

Dress for battle. All parts of the plant contain a toxic resin that causes a blistering rash on any part of your body it touches. So when removing poison ivy, always wear rubber gloves, a long-sleeved shirt, long pants tucked into socks and boots or shoes that can be hosed off later. Goggles and a breathing mask are also recommended when removing poison ivy.

Time your attack. A dry day with no wind is the safest time for removing poison ivy, especially if you will be using an herbicide spray (you don't want the herbicide blowing back at you, nor do you want it blowing on landscape plants).

Cut plants to ground level. With shears or pruners, remove all the stems you can see and dispose of them in plastic garbage bags. Don't tear or rip the vines as this may disperse the resin into the air.

Dig out roots if you can. If there are only a few plants to remove, use the shovel to remove the roots. Bag these also for removal.

Destroy what's left. If you have many plants spread over a large area, cut as much of the top growth as you can, and then spray the remaining roots, stems and stubs with a chemical weed killer containing glyphosate (such as Roundup) or triclopyr (such as Ortho's Brush-B-Gon). For thick, shrubby stems, spray directly onto the cuts you've made. Remember to use extreme care when handling these herbicides, as the spray will kill all other garden plants it touches. Always follow the directions on the label for safest use.

Dispose of properly. Do not compost, shred or burn poison ivy. Inhaling the smoke can cause serious injury to your lungs. Put the plant parts in heavy plastic bags, tie the bags securely and put them in the trash. If you used rubber gloves, discard these as well.

Disinfect your clothes and your tools. Tools used for removing poison ivy must be disinfected. Rinse your pruners and shovel, including the handles, with rubbing alcohol. Let them dry and then oil the parts to prevent rust. Likewise, the clothes you have on while removing poison ivy must be cleaned. Wash your clothing separately and clean your boots or shoes with cold, soapy water and a hose.

Tips: Poison ivy is a perennial plant that grows back from the roots and often spreads by means of underground runners. Removing poison ivy -- if it's a vigorous stand -- may take three or four tries. If your skin comes into contact with the weed while you're removing poison ivy, wash the affected area with a strong soap, using cold water only (hot water opens your pores and allows the toxin to seep in). Hardware stores and drugstores have specialty soaps that can remove the poison sap. Treat a rash with a drying lotion (such as calamine) or one recommended specifically for poison ivy rash.

What You Need: Rubber gloves, tightly woven long-sleeve shirt and pants, Long socks, Shoes or boots that can be washed or hosed off, Goggles and breathing mask, Sharp pruning shears or a hand pruner, Sharp-edged shovel, Heavy black plastic garbage bags and ties, Herbicide containing glyphosate or triclopyr (e.g., Roundup, Ortho Brush-B-Gon), Rubbing alcohol.

Ann Schertz 327.3402 Mia Martin 345.1585

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Bryan Park Creek Naturalization Maintenance

Reminder from Tonia:
Wednesday, July 1

The City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department earned Community Wildlife Habitat certification from the National Wildlife Federation last year. The Bryan Park Creek naturalized area played a key role in certification and requires periodic maintenance to control invasive species and ensure native plant success.

Duties: Volunteers assist with monthly upkeep of this natural area! Help maintain the native plants along beautiful Bryan Park Creek.

Program Time: 5:30-7 p.m.

Location: Bryan Park, 1001 S. Henderson St. — Henderson Shelter

Age of volunteers: 12 yrs. and up (Children under age 12 yrs. must be accompanied by an adult.)

Number of volunteers: 5-30

Other: Sign up individually or as a group.

From the City of Bloomington Parks and Recreation Program Guide:

The Bryan Park Creek naturalized area requires periodic maintenance to control invasive species and ensure native plant success. Volunteers are needed to assist with monthly upkeep of this natural area. Workdays take place on the first Wednesday of each month, April-October. We meet at the Woodlawn Shelter at 5:30 p.m. and work until 7 p.m. Call Steve Cotter at 349-3736 for additional information.

Dates: 5/6, 6/3, 7/1, 8/5, 9/2, and 10/7
Ages: For all ages.
Location: Bryan Park, Woodlawn Shelter

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Election Results

Elections were held at our June 23 meeting. Mary Miller is the new president of the BPNA. Jab Sorby will take over as vice-president. Jenny Bauer and Mary Lou Mitchell will continue to serve in their positions as Secretary and Treasurer.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Elections - Statements from candidates

Dear Bryan Park Neighbors,

I would be proud to serve as the Bryan Park Neighborhood Association President for 2009-10. Stepping into this role is a natural extension of the community effort I enjoyed in the creation of our new blog ( over the course of the last year. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the members of the committee and look forward to the opportunity to build on our momentum. Our effort was a success, and recently won the 2009 Mayor's Excellence Award from Bloomington's Department of Housing and Neighborhood Development. Keeping in mind that we still need to serve our neighbors that do not have access to the Internet, the new blog is a wonderful tool for community-building. Looking forward, it could be opened up for new features or content (sustainability information? services directory?) by others in the neighborhood. I would see my role as president to help foster the group participation that will make the neighborhood association a vital resource for all our neighbors.


Mary Miller

Hello Neighbors,


Greetings. May all be well. First, I would like thank Marcus Reed for a very warm and kind nomination for the upcoming BPNA elections. After much contemplation and discussion with neighborhood friends, I have come to the conclusion that I would like to accept the nomination for President of the Bryan Park Neighborhood Association.

As a representative of one of Bloomington’s best (perhaps the best) neighborhood associations, I feel like I could do a good job in service. The safety, community and happiness of all the residents of the neighborhood would be my concern.

I have contacts at all levels of local government. In my daily work, I have regular interaction with various city officials and could happily conduct neighborhood business in those moments.

In all instances, my goal would be to foster greater community participation and connection amongst its residents; to preserve and enhance the quality of life of its citizenry; and to promote transparency and openness in all communications. With all these things, I would use the filter sustainability to aid my decision making.

I humbly ask for your support in the upcoming elections on June 23rd. Thank you.

Most Sincerely,

Joe Davis

Bryan Park Elections June 23, 2009

BPNA elections will be next Tuesday, June 23rd, Free Methodist Church, 7:00 p.m. at our regular meeting. The candidates are:

  • President: Joe Davis and Mary Miller

  • Vice President: Jan Sorby

  • Secretary: Jenny Bauer

  • Treasurer: Mary Lou Mitchell

From the By-laws: A member may request an absentee ballot from the President or the Vice President and shall personally present the cast ballot to the President or the Vice President by the day of the meeting in which the vote is to be held.

Link to June 2009 Election absentee ballot (PDF).

According to BPNA bylaws, ballots must be presented in person to the President or the Vice President. Our Vice President will not be in town after Friday, but President Jan Sorby will be in town. Jan's address is 525 E. Grimes Lane and her phone number is 334-2075. Ballots left at a residence without confirmation will not be counted. Ballots must be submitted by the actual voter.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Run for Office - Election June 23


I want to encourage you to consider running for office and helping keep the neighborhood voice strong. The offices of President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary are open, and nominations are now being accepted. You can nominate yourself or someone else. The slate will be published June 17 and voted on at the regular meeting on June 23. Absentee ballots are also available; see below for the process.

Community building and managing how our neighborhood develops in critical to the quality of life for yourself, family and neighbors. Below are a few reasons to consider becoming involved.

• You can help establish better communication with your neighbors. Too often, people do not even know their neighbors. BPNA gives everyone something in common. Merely getting people introduced to their neighbors will affect improvements in untold ways.

• You can help work more effectively with municipal services. In the same way that the residents benefit by working together, BPNA provides a larger forum for communicating with city government to voice concerns and solve problems.

• You can create pride in your neighborhood. Creating pride is something so basic, yet so important. Neighborhoods can easily fall into disrepair and despair. However, when people care, you will be able to maintain and improve that place that you call home.

• You can help make your neighborhood a safer place. By working together, looking out for each other, and coordinating with your police officers, neighbors can help to create a safer, more secure environment in which to live.

· To be included on an absentee ballot please notify: President, Jan Sorby ( or Vice President, Scott O’Bryan ( by June 17th.

· Absentee ballots can be requested after the 17th and must be returned in person by the day of the meeting (June 23ed), to Scott O’Bryan, 1412 S Henderson St. or Jan Sorby, 525 E. Grimes Lane.

Jan Sorby

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

BPNA Wins Two Blooming Neighborhoods Awards

The Bryan Park Neighborhood Association swept two out of the City’s three Blooming Neighborhood Awards this year! Jan Sorby was selected as the HAND Neighbor of the Year, and the BPNA won the Mayor’s Excellence Award for two projects, the blog and the dog waste bag dispensers. The awards will be presented at the Celebration of Neighborhoods, at the Farmers Market, Saturday, June 6, at 10 am.

Liz Brown and Jon Lawrence, who designed and built the original and second-generation dispensers, and Mary Miller and Sarah Reeder, who campaigned for and designed the blog, will accept the Mayor’s Award on behalf of the BPNA. Jan Sorby will personally accept the HAND Neighbor of the Year Award, for her outstanding efforts over the years to improve the neighborhood. Everyone is invited to share in the Award by standing up and clapping when our neighbors accept the awards on their own behalf and the behalf of everyone who helped them improve the neighborhood. As Vickie Provine, the HAND program manager, says, “Everybody wins when neighbors get involved.”

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Templeton Playground Renovation

Did you know that Templeton Elementary School’s playgrounds are the oldest in the school corporation? It’s true! The cushioned surface is rapidly crumbling and the play structures are showing signs of wear. Too little shade and green space adds to a playground that doesn’t really encourage the active play we know the kids need. The Templeton PTO has been hard at work planning for a full-scale renovation including new equipment, surfacing, and trees. We are in the process of fundraising for this $65,000 project, and are making good progress. Last spring, the kids themselves raised over $1000! But with the second highest poverty rate in the MCCSC, Templeton families and teachers need some help to make this new playground a reality. We would like to invite all neighbors to contribute to making our neighborhood school safe, healthy and beautiful for our children.

If you can help, please send your tax deductible donation to the FMCCS (Foundation of Monroe County Community Schools) earmarking it in the memo line for the “Templeton Playground Fund.” Their address is 315 North Drive, Bloomington, IN 47401.

If you would like more information about the Templeton Playground Renovation, please contact neighbors Angela Lexmond (339-0782; or Jennifer Livesay (334-0764; We know that a safe and beautiful school playground is a visible way that we show our care for children and benefits everyone in the neighborhood by making it a place where people want to live. Please help us make it happen!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Strange incident -- Keep your eyes open

After a strange incident near the park, a concerned neighbor sent this mesage as warning to other neighbors.

"At dusk Tuesday evening, 4/21, in a mild drizzle my dog and I had just crossed Henderson at Dixie and were 20 paces from the intersection when a car drove past me and paused. Next I perceived I was targeted by something which made a rat a tat tat sound on the vinyl siding of my the nearby house and the driver of that car hastily turned south onto Henderson and was gone. It happened so quickly that all I noticed that might identify the person involved was the car, a late-model, four-door, pea-green car."

If something of this same sort, or any other disturbing incidents occur, please contact Dick Mitchell, our Neighborhood Watch liaison to city services, including the police. His phone number is 339-5096. Neighborhood Watch respects the confidentiality of the source. It allows the police to gather and coordinate reports for neighborhoods across the city.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Announcing improvements to our blog

Here are some nifty changes to our blog. I've added a new header, a search box in the right-hand column, email notification when new posts are published, and some photos from our neighborhood cleanup last Saturday.

Also, I set up a Flickr group to share neighborhood photos. Here's the link:

Let me know if you'd like to join the Flickr group, or if you'd like to be notified when new posts are published. I've sent out a few invitations already, to people I thought might be interested.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Neighborhood Clean-up day, April 18

Start planning for spring house cleaning! BPNA has been awarded a Neighborhood Clean-up grant for April 18, 2009, according to Vicki Provine, Program Manager, Housing and Neighborhood Development for the city. HAND will provide dumpsters and logistical support at the parking lot at the Free Methodist church at the corner of Grimes and Lincoln, from 9am to 1pm on Saturday, April 18.

BPNA volunteers pitch in on site to help neighbors toss their cast-off items into the dumpsters. Usable but orphaned items are set aside for recycling and free to all comers. We can use another few volunteers with a truck or van who could help neighbors with large items and haul brush to the site. For more information,call the volunteer coordinator, Anne Hedin, at 323-7485.

The City is unable to accept electronic waste such as computers and monitors at the Neighborhood Clean-up site on April 18, but do not despair. You can recycle office equipment, old TVs, VCRs, cameras, etc. at a free e-waste recycling drive hosted by Indiana University Bloomington and IUPUI. The program will be open to the general public on Saturday, May 2, from 9 am to 2 pm in the parking lot to the north of Memorial Stadium. Complete information, including maps, hours, and a list of accepted items, is available at

Electronics Recycling Drive, May 2

The City is unable to accept electronic waste such as computers and monitors at the Neighborhood Clean-up site on April 18, but do not despair. You can recycle office equipment, old TVs, VCRs, cameras, etc. at a free e-waste recycling drive hosted by Indiana University Bloomington and IUPUI. The program will be open to the general public on Saturday, May 2, from 9 am to 2 pm in the parking lot to the north of Memorial Stadium. Complete information, including maps, hours, and a list of accepted items, is available at

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Historic House Moved

Anyone looking out the window Tuesday, Nov. 25, would have seen a house on wheels moving slowly through downtown. A small red brick house was moved from the corner of 15th and Walnut Street to 1111 S. Henderson St. The move took over 3 hours.

New owners Jon Lawrence and Jan Sorby bought the house from Bloomington Restorations for $1000, with covenants requiring preservation of the exterior and restrictions on resale. according to their website, BRI is a private not-for-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of Bloomington and Monroe County's historic architecture and old neighborhoods.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Jan Sorby calls for BPNA election

The election for officers is quickly approaching...

This year was the last year that I can be your president according to our by-laws. Working on behalf of the neighborhood has been a wonderful experience and I sincerely hope someone will keep our voice strong. Community building and having a say on how your neighborhood develops in critical to our quality of life for yourself, family and neighbors. Below are a few reasons to consider becoming involved.

• You can help establish better communication with your neighbors. Too often, people do not even know their neighbors. BPNA gives everyone something in common. Merely getting people introduced to their neighbors will affect improvements in untold ways.

• You can help work more effectively with municipal services. In the same way that the residents benefit by working together, BPNA provides a larger forum for communicating with city government to voice concerns and solve problems.

• You can create pride in your neighborhood. Creating pride is something so basic, yet so important. Neighborhoods can easily fall into disrepair and despair. However, when people care, you will be able to maintain and improve that place that you call home.

• You can help make your neighborhood a safer place. By working together, looking out for each other, and coordinating with your police officers, neighbors can help to create a safer, more secure environment in which to live.

Jan Sorby
President, BPNA

BPNA Agenda, February 2009

Meeting Agenda

Febuary 24, 2009

Free Methodist Church

7 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Call to Order, Introductions and sign up sheet

Old Business

Dog Park?

Neighborhood Clean-up Grant: sign-up

Church on Washington and Davis: Joe Davis/Eric Gueulick (Zone Planner)
Update from Joe Davis (the center for sustainable living) about purchasing and changing the zoning for the building (old church) at the NW corner of Washington and Davis streets. City Plan Department has been working on this but as of this date the BPNA has not been notified.

New Business

Henderson sidewalk up-date: Jan Sorby

Web site: Mary Miller report on seminar for neighborhood association’s websites.

Ways to improve our neighborhood?


Thursday, February 19, 2009

City of Bloomington Utilities projects

The following City of Bloomington Utilities projects will result in a street closure and detours during the week of February 22nd through February 28th. Please note that South Henderson Street, between East 1st Street and East Grimes Lane will be closed to through traffic for the duration of these projects. (February 23rd –February 27th). Detour signs will be set up at West 1st Street and South College Avenue, at East 1st Street and South Walnut Street and at East Grimes Lane and South Walnut Street (one for each direction). Type 3 barriers will be set up at East Grimes Lane and South Henderson Street and at East 1st Street and South Henderson Street. Type 3 barriers will also be set up at the intersections of South Henderson Street and East Maxwell Lane, South Henderson Street and East Dodds Street, South Henderson Street and East Dixie Street, South Henderson Street and East Allen Street and at the intersection of South Henderson Street and East Davis Street

Project Type: Manhole

February 23rd and possibly February 24th

Location: The intersection of East Maxwell Lane and South Henderson Street.

Traffic will be unable to access South Henderson Street from East Maxwell Lane between 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Traffic control personnel and signage will be in place.

Contact Project Manager Larry Hardin at 349-3694, T&D Assistant Director Tom Staley at 349-3637, or Public Affairs Specialist Jon Callahan at 349-3940.

Project Type: Sanitary sewer lateral

Project Supervisor: Larry Hardin

Date: February 23rd –February 27th

Location: 900 block of South Henderson Street.

Traffic will be restricted to local traffic only during the duration of this project. The work will take place in the northbound lane of South Henderson. Traffic control personnel and signage will be in place.

Questions? contact Project Manager Larry Hardin at 349-3694, T&D Assistant Director Tom Staley at 349-3637, or Public Affairs Specialist Jon Callahan at 349-3940.

Project Type: Manhole Relocation and sanitary sewer main

Project Supervisor: John Neal

Dates: February 23rd-February 27th

Location: 1000 Block of South Henderson Street.

Traffic will be restricted to local traffic only during the duration of this project. The work will take place in the southbound lane of South Henderson Street. Traffic control personnel and signage will be in place.

Contact Project Manager John Neal at 349-3697, T&D Assistant Director Tom Staley at 349-3637, or Public Affairs Specialist Jon Callahan at 349-3940.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Trees for Templeton - Deadline Monday, 2/2/2009

Templeton School is applying for an Urban Forestry Grant from the Department of Natural Resources to create a "living fence" between the playground and Hillside Ave. Students and families will assist a contractor in planting the trees by the playground, reducing air and noise pollution. A variety of trees will also be planted to provide needed shade by parking lots and plyground areas, reducing temperatures, absorbing pollutants, providing shade and protecting wildlife.

Support from individuals and community groups is requested to increase the application's chance of success. A short form (takes less than 5 minutes to fill out) is available to register your support, but it must be completed and returned by MONDAY, 2/2. Leave a comment requesting a form (let us know how to contact you) or contact Sally Jones (322-5548). Completed forms can be dropped of at the school; also Sally Jones has offered to pick them up, by arrangement.