Friday, September 4, 2009

Aug. 09 meeting minutes and found bike


AUGUST 25, 2009

Seventeen members attended the meeting.

Mary reminded all that if they have bills regarding the block party they should be turned in. These are paid for through the grant.

The T-shirts should be delivered in the next few days.

Mary would like to assemble some welcome bags with brochures, etc. There are several new residents in the neighborhood.

The Bryan Park Neighborhood Association will write a letter supporting the Templeton School Playground Project. Hopefully this will help to get the grant.

The BRI home tour will be October 24-25 from 1:00 – 5:00 with several homes in our neighborhood on the tour. If you would like to be a docent call 336-0909.

If anyone is missing a purple Trek bike, two flat tires, components a bit rusty, contact Jennifer Weiss at 330-1022. She found it abandoned near her house.

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