Sunday, August 23, 2009

July 2009 Minutes


JULY 28, 2009

New president, Mary Miller, presided over the meeting.

Twenty-two were in attendance

The question had been raised as to who was responsible for the weeds on the Davis Street ditch. The city says it the adjacent property owner’s responsibility.

The group voted to buy a load of mulch for the south bump out on Lincoln. Jon Lawrence volunteered to deliver it.

The neighborhood block party will be Friday, August 14 on South Dunn between Davis and Allen. There will be a table to sell T-shirts and a table to pay dues. The Food Bank will have a container for non-perishable foods.

Dick Mitchell reported that there have been several non-emergency incidents lately. Graffiti, produce stolen from gardens, noise etc.

All of the signs reminding neighbors of the monthly meeting are now in use and being displayed.

The construction on Henderson Street is moving along and should be completed by the start of school.

Natalie will do a benefit at Nick’s for Templeton school.

The Bryan Park naturalization clean up was reported to be on Wednesday from 5:30 to 7:00.

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