Monday, April 25, 2011

BPNA meeting agenda for 4/26

Our monthly meeting for March will be this Tuesday, Apr. 26. As usual, we'll meet at 7:00p.m. at the Free Methodist Church on the corner of Grimes and S. Lincoln.

Our special guest this month will be Nancy Hiestand, Historic Preservation Program Manager for the City of Bloomington. She will talk to us about the conservation district protections we are considering for the Bryan Park neighborhood.

In addition, we will have an update on the city Utilities department stormwater remediation plan to fix the flooding along S. Dunn St.

We will also discuss a gathering suggested by Tonia Matthew, and planned for June 12.

It's a full agenda, but contact Mary Miller if you need to add anything.

Building Character: A Neighborhood Decision

In its current state, the housing market is full of buying opportunities—for developers as well as families. This makes it a good time to explore options “to keep the character of the neighborhood," and not allow the Bryan Park area to turn into a neighborhood of tear-downs and McMansions.

As a starting point for discussion, here are the initial results of the 2010 historic survey of the Bryan Park neighborhood, commissioned by the City of Bloomington (PDF):

Sunday, April 24, 2011

BPNA Meeting Minutes, March, 22, 2011

The Bryan Park Neighborhood Association met at the Free Methodist Church in Bloomington, Indiana, on March 22, 2011. Mary Miller, BPNA president, presided over the meeting.

Bike Improvements along Allen Street
The City’s Public Works Department will host a meeting on March 28th at the Free Methodist Church to discuss bicycle infrastructure improvements along Allen St.

Conservation District Application
Bryan Park is welcome to submit a Conservation District application to the Bloomington Historic Commission, according to Nancy Hiestand from the city of Bloomington. BPNA will create a subcommittee to study the issue and decide on boundaries for a possible application. Nancy Hiestand informed us that 3 commissioners and a city council representative will work with BPNA’s subcommittee. Mary reported that the recent Bryan Park historic survey map will be posted to the website shortly.

A motion was made to form a subcommittee to consider a Conservation District application on behalf of BPNA. The motion was seconded and approved. The following BPNA members volunteered to serve on the subcommittee: Jan Sorby, Jon Lawrence, Jenny Bauer, Mary Lou Mitchell, Alyn Soo, Joanne Henriot, Anne Hedin and Mary Miller.

Snow Flyers
Flyers were prepared by Jeff Firestone to remind neighbors of their responsibility to clear snow from sidewalks. Jan Sorby plans to contact local schools to find volunteers to shovel walks for neighbors who are physically unable to do so. The flyers will announce that help is available to shovel sidewalks. The flyers will be revised and distributed next winter.

Block Party and June Gathering
BPNA will apply for a Small and Simple grant from the City to help with the costs of the annual BPNA block party. The date for the block party will be August 26. Everyone enjoyed the new location on Palmer Street last year and we’ll keep the location there if the neighbors agree.

Tonia Matthews suggested a smaller gathering in early summer geared toward older neighbors and neighbors with small children. Tonia will check with the Parks and Recreation Department for available shelter dates at Bryan Park.

Incident Report
Dick Mitchell reported that several people were arrested at the big house at the corner of Hillside and Washington. The house is apparently in violation of several city maintenance codes, which the City Legal Department is pursuing. Dick also reported that a house in the 1300 block of Grant Street was recently broken into for the 4th time.

Next meeting. The next BPNA meeting is scheduled for April 26, 2011.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Davis Street Gardens update - April 2011

It’s gardening time again and if you aspire to grow flowers but don’t have enough room or a sunny spot for them consider joining the Davis Street community gardens. The gardens are located on the north side of Davis Street, between Grant and Palmer. The garden consists of 25 plots of land, each 10 feet square. Residents of the Bryan Park Neighborhood can sign up for a free plot, or more, by contacting the Garden Coordinator Ria Collee. E-mail, or by phone 336-2512.

The lots are numbered with the numbers painted on a stone that marks each lot. All of the plots have some sun, but the lots on the west side are sunnier than the lots towards the east, which have semi-shade at different times of the day. Currently, lots 8-9, 18-19, 21, 24-25 are available. The soil is in pretty good shape, plants and flowers have been doing well. There is mulch available on the east end of the gardens by the creek’s culvert. It came mostly from pine trees but has now aged for over a year and should no longer be too acidic. The full guidelines for the garden are available at:

Please join us to make the gardens more beautiful than ever by adopting a plot this year.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Open House to Meet Mayor Kruzan this Saturday

Dear Bryan Park Neighbors
Please join us for an open house to meet Mayor Mark Kruzan this Saturday, April 16 from 6:30-8:30p.m. Mayor Kruzan is an exceptional leader and Bloomington has flourished under his leadership. We have known Mayor Kruzan for over 30 years; his abilities and leadership continually impress and amaze us.

But don't take our word for it.... drop by and find out for yourself!

Saturday, April 16
6:30-8:30 p.m.

Jan Sorby and Jon Lawrence
525 E. Grimes Lane
Bryan Park Neighorhood

Monday, April 11, 2011

Tame rabbit in my back yard

I have a large (probably twenty pound) gray rabbit with brown and black stripes that may be a pet living under my back porch. It is easy to see. If it belongs to someone, or you have a good recipe, please contact me. It is driving my dogs crazy. We live in the 1300 block of South Dunn St. I can be contacted at 317-506-7617.

Greg Ellis