Thursday, March 8, 2007

Speed Monitoring Protects Templeton Students

Safer routes for children walking to Templeton Elementary School have topped the BPNA's agenda for years. The need was highlighted in the 2006 Neighborhood Walks with the Mayor and members of the City Council. One result of this effort is the new speed monitoring system installed in February 2007. At Grant & Hillside and at Woodlawn & Hillside, speed limit signs and monitors with built-in radar warn drivers to slow down as they approach the school crosswalks.

BPNA president Jan Sorby says, "A high-five to everyone who has worked on getting the caution signs on Hillside by Templeton for the past 7 years. It took a long time but was really well worth the work." Sorby gave special thanks to Don Porter, traffic control manager with the city of Bloomington, Justin Wycoff, of the Board of Public Works, and Mayor Mark Kruzan.

(photo source: The Herald-Times)