Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Block Party 2015!!

Block Party!
Friday, September 11, 2015
6-9 pm
1200 block of S. Palmer
(between Grimes & Driscoll)

(In case of rain, the party will be held on Saturday, September 12, same time & place)

  • Please bring a side dish to share!
  • BPNA will supply grilled fish, drinks, cups, napkins, plates & plasticware.
  • Nick's English Hut will supply their famous Nick‛s burgers, veggie burgers, condiments and buns.
  • If you are able, please bring your yearly membership dues. Suggested $10 household, $5 student/senior household
  • Silent Auction: bid on items donated by local businesses and individuals to support the neighborhood.


  • Nick‛s English Hut has offered local libations & great tasting, affordable meals for almost 85 years. Check out their expanded dining section for the under 21 crowd. 
  • City of Bloomington's Housing and Neighborhood Development Small and Simple grant program provides part of the funding for the block party.
  • Craig Brenner & Friends: Enjoy the sounds of local blues, jazz and boogie woogie! (www.craigbrenner.com)
  • Joe Lee‛s Famous Clown Act: Our neighbor Joe Lee, professionally trained clown, will perform for the kids!

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