Sunday, May 29, 2011

Storm Recovery Volunteers for Your Neighborhood

From: Lucy Schaich []
Sent: Friday, May 27, 2011 5:24 PM
To: pmurray; Jan Sorby;; Jack Baker;; Molly O'Donnell;
Subject: Storm Recovery Volunteers for your Neighborhood
Greetings Neighborhood Leaders-
This storm has been most cruel to our neighborhoods! City and private crews are out working hard to clear roads, sidewalks and alleyways, but for many people, the damage done was on their private property and is therefore not eligible for this service.
If you know of any residents who are in need of general assistance with clearing brush and debris and getting it to the curb to be removed by City crews, please let them know that the Volunteer Network is available to assist with alerting volunteers to these needs. They can register their assistance request online at
IN ADDITION....Please let us know if you would like us to assist you with volunteer recruitment or referral for the cleanup of storm damage and debris in your neighborhood. If you have a person - you or another point person - who would be willing to receive information about available volunteers and could direct them to where they are needed, please contact us at 349-3433 or
We are receiving calls now from volunteers who are interested in helping where they are needed most and would be happy to pass those names along to you!

Lucy Schaich
City of Bloomington Volunteer Network
401 N. Morton St. , Suite 260
Bloomington, IN 47404
p. 349-3433

Monday, May 23, 2011

BPNA meeting Tues. 5/24 and church cookout announcement

Our monthly meeting for May will be this Tuesday, May 24. As usual, we'll meet at 7:00p.m. at the Free Methodist Church on the corner of Grimes and S. Lincoln.

AGENDA May 24, 2011

Sustainability projects

Jacqui Bauer will attend the meeting and speak about several city sustainability projects, such as Hoosier to Hoosier, energy efficiency, and biking.

Final stormwater plans

We will have final plans from the Utilities Department for the stormwater project along Dunn/Allen Sts.

2011 Elections

BPNA holds election of officers at the June meeting. Call for candidates, and discuss.

Free Methodist Church Neighborhood Cookout

This event will be held on Sunday, June 5, at 5pm, at the church where we hold our monthly meetings. Everyone in the neighborhood is invited. There will be a cookout, games and ice cream, and even pony rides for kids. Come out and meet your neighbors at the Free Methodist Church, located at the corner of Grimes and S. Lincoln St. Flyer attached.

Blooming Neighborhood Awards

Bryan Park Neighborhood Association will be awarded a Certificate of Recognition for the Mayor's Excellence Award for our partnership with Templeton School to secure new playground equipment. This year the Blooming Neighborhood Awards will be presented at the City Council meeting on Wednesday, June 1, 2011 at 7:30 p.m. This will give the public the opportunity to share in the event via CATS coverage.

Blooming Neighborhoods

The Blooming Neighbors celebration is held annually at the Farmer’s Market. This year’s event will be held Sat. June 4, 9am-12pm. We will have a table at the event and need volunteers to staff it.

Incident Report

Regular monthly report from Dick and Mary Lou Mitchell, our Neighborhood Watch representatives.


Stormwater Runoff

Go to to join or follow the discussion.

Conservation District

Go to to join or follow the discussion.