The Bryan Park Neighborhood Association (BPNA) is requesting a multi-way stop and a pedestrian stripped crosswalk at the intersection of Allen Street and Henderson Street, located on the west edge of Bryan Park.
One of our neighborhood’s best assets is Bryan Park, yet at this time there is no safe means for residents to cross Henderson to access the park or to simply use the sidewalks located on the east side of Henderson. Currently east/west bound pedestrian crossings are scatted among the four streets dead ending into Bryan Park. If a safe multi-way stop and crossing walk is built pedestrians will gravitate to this area producing predictable patterns for all. Vehicular traffic is extremely heavy on Henderson. Crossing Henderson is particularly dangerous during the peak hours when children need to walk to school and many desire to make use of the park. Countless pedestrians use the paths through the park to go to IU, Templeton Elementary and Bloomington South. The beautiful riparian path along Bryan stream is popular with seniors and dog walkers.
For many years the BPNA, parents and neighbors have sought a safe means to cross Henderson from the west entering Bryan Park or simply to use the sidewalk. The BPNA neighbors are excited about the proposed sidewalk on the west side of Henderson Street and making Allen Street an east/west multimodal corridor. This is a start to remediate decades of neglected infrastructure concerns in our neighborhood. Little attention has been given to the needs the 750+ households in the Bryan Park area. With access to only four streets that have sidewalks and controlled storm water systems (Washington, Lincoln, parts of Grimes and parts of Henderson) we have a unique opportunity to locate improvements at the most optimal place for all.
We are pleased that the Bryan Park parking lot and Allen Street will soon be realigned as this will create safer traffic patterns for vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians. Allen Street is centrally located north and south along the west edge of the park. Other developments that make BPNA eager to establish a safe multi-way crossing at this time are: the current redevelopment of the children’s playground in Bryan Park at Allen Street, Safe Routes to School initiative, and the Greenways trail. We strongly feel this is the time to create a safe multi-way stop with pedestrian crosswalk on Henderson. A safe multi-way stop with a cross walk is an amenity that will carefully channel pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular traffic. Additionally, it will also allow neighbors to safely reach our best asset, Bryan Park and use the sidewalk.
Thank you for your consideration.
Jan Sorby
Bryan Park Neighborhood Association