Tuesday, May 26, 2009

BPNA Wins Two Blooming Neighborhoods Awards

The Bryan Park Neighborhood Association swept two out of the City’s three Blooming Neighborhood Awards this year! Jan Sorby was selected as the HAND Neighbor of the Year, and the BPNA won the Mayor’s Excellence Award for two projects, the blog and the dog waste bag dispensers. The awards will be presented at the Celebration of Neighborhoods, at the Farmers Market, Saturday, June 6, at 10 am.

Liz Brown and Jon Lawrence, who designed and built the original and second-generation dispensers, and Mary Miller and Sarah Reeder, who campaigned for and designed the blog, will accept the Mayor’s Award on behalf of the BPNA. Jan Sorby will personally accept the HAND Neighbor of the Year Award, for her outstanding efforts over the years to improve the neighborhood. Everyone is invited to share in the Award by standing up and clapping when our neighbors accept the awards on their own behalf and the behalf of everyone who helped them improve the neighborhood. As Vickie Provine, the HAND program manager, says, “Everybody wins when neighbors get involved.”

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